The Paradigm

These same concepts are seemed and interlace with the teses of author Edgar Morin the theory of the complexity mainly that talk between itself reflect the difficulties well that the half academic suffers with the paradigmticas changes, and as the professor can help the pupil in its construction. Leaving of the estimated one of that all these paradigms do not constitute an absolute truth and that the knowledge is something complex and unfinished, what the professor must to make is to mediate to the established teses already and to sew concepts that follow an other after complementing the ideas, being left to knock down a thesis to prioritize another one that seem more acceptable in one to be determined historical moment, however in one another period already will not have in its bases structures to survive, however, joining the concepts the roots if fortify form it a confusion of preset concepts as the proper Morin cites (2000) ' ' The Paradigm of the complexity waves of the educators to learn to sail in an ocean of uncertainties in way the archipelagoes of certezas' '. II Practical the Educative Colleges student. The education is a social process that involves all the economic levels, social politicians and, thus being, the base that guides this process is in the educational molds that go of the initial series to the highest pertaining to school level. Since the beginning of century the main objective of who withheld the educational power age to form hand of? workmanship that took care of the consumista market of the capitalist world. Today, the superior education is seen as social institution, that has the main function to form the educational and scientific elite serves who it. To take care of these necessities one becomes necessary that the university institutions possess a faculty of high qualitative level in its structure. The professor comes across it a new challenge and searchs solutions that assist to it in daily practical its, aiming at to extract optimum of its learning and opening the keys to it so that they are citizens in the construction of the proper knowledge and in the search for solutions for the chaos that if urges it na society.