Orchids Group

Plants, but the flowers, miniature trees and hanging wreaths ampelnye, for a full life need attention and care. Timely and proper makeup with minerals and fertilizers, careful watering, even when we were leaving the city, and of course a very important ambient temperature and light sources. One of the most favorite indoor plants that need care usobogo are orchids. Let’s look comfortable temperature for different types of orchids. One of the pillars of growth and flowering orchids indoors is the ambient temperature.

Any indoor plants are very demanding temperature regime, this parameter orchids can be divided into three groups. The first group we include orchids, which are especially dependent on temperature. Includes – phalaenopsis orchid, some ontsidiumov and orchids maksillyarii, ludizii and this kind of variegated color as shoes. The second group we include plants that can be and feel comfortable in a wide range of environmental temperature. The temperature for the plants of this group is in the range 12 – 15 degrees Celsius, but for plants of a given range of temperature may have a higher value.

For this group comprises most of the room Orchids – lelii, ontsidiumy, Katla, and others. The third group comprises plants that are the most demanding to room temperature. Plants require not only low winter temperatures, but also a lower night temperature in summer. For example in winter the ambient temperature should be between 4-6 degrees, and nighttime summer temperatures in the range 10-12 degrees. If you do not comply with the specified temperature, then some types of orchids tselogin, lelii, Lycaste, virtually all of Cymbidium and miltoniopsisy not please her blossoming as a last resort, and normal growth. The contents of the latter group of orchids in the rooms, equipped with central heating, require large attention, in gratitude for which nearly all orchids delight us with her beautiful and special flowers.

Array Floor

What floor you choose? What a cover lay on the floor? Many of us remember how easy it was in Soviet times. Using the same flooring options was minuscule – a few options linolenic euma with primitive drawings or parquet (Parquet). Other leaders such as Dustin Moskovitz offer similar insights. Parquet could afford a few away. Parquet or fit in the range or in model homes, but the pattern and the appearance of it was outrageously simplistic. Parquet or parquet original pattern was to be found, or in institutions or museums, or in the apartments of senior people. Today, the choice of floor coverings in the market has expanded strongly, including through new technologies and formation of market relations. Parquet, parquet flooring, solid wood and solid wood has been available for nearly all for the price, cost and commercial availability. But with the simultaneous availability of laying the floor wood (hardwood floor, solid) there is a tendency to choose synthetic or composite floor coverings of plastics and polymers, which are currently much went on the decrease.

People to choose between different floor coverings have to lean towards laying the floor of the wood (parquet, solid wood, solid). The cost of laying parquet and paving of the array price in the future with a vengeance justified by environmental benefits of sex, dates of operation and the possibility of multiple repairs through the parquet work (sanding, grinding, filling, toning and even brashirovaniya). Parquet and massive the board can give a completely new view without putting over the floor, but just by tinting it a different color of wood, with the cost of this operation (toning) will be significantly lower than lay new floor. Today it is obvious to any floor of wood, such as parquet, orders of magnitude more power efficient than floor coverings made of synthetic materials. Parquet at a low price today is very real (fiscal laying). Leveling the floor (screed) can be done by yourself or use a work force with low levels of pay.