Federal Pension

Two birds with one stone no one can be sure that enough his savings at the end of the life. Because people are living longer. I.e., at the age we need money longer and longer. An additional private provision with a lifelong pension payment ensures a safe and relaxed retirement. “Fear of nursing in the age of current surveys on the subject of the greatest fears of the German” show: over 50% of Germans are afraid to be aged care. And the right, because care in future increasingly becomes the topic. Every third German will be in 2030 older than 60 years. Added: the number of dependent people in Germany will increase in the next 20 years to just under 60%.

Problem: Hardly anyone makes above currently private care case. With our product partners people good Federal place already the cornerstone… The solution: Two birds with one stone! “With the concept of pension PLUS” you kill two birds with one stone. This product integrated pensions with a care protection, without that you need to contribute more for it! Is the customer at the beginning of retirement care or will he care during the retirement, opens the new pension PLUS”her care umbrella. The increased pension because of care provides approximately twice from 3 ADL dynamic profit retirement to the agreed commencement of pension and thus contributing to the financing of the costs of care.

The performance test is independent of the legislature and can be done by the doctor of the customers. “The main attraction: pension PLUS” is entirely without health assessment! Care risk increases considerably in the retirement just during the bond period you should not abandon a hedge of care. The care occurs only when 95% of all dependent people after the 65.Lebensjahr. From the 75.Lebensjahr, such as almost every tenth pensioners is reliant. “Full flexibility regarding the retirement pension PLUS” offers even more flexibility! Whether the retirement or during the retirement of the customer even more possibilities, his pension has this product flexible.

Right Health Insurance

exempt from the statutory insurance per se only independent teachers, educators and caregivers who have no insurable employees are excluded. Also a contribution assessment ceiling does not exist for the self-employed normally. When is a change in the car worth? A great advantage of private health insurance is that the contributions are calculated not according to income, but according to age and State of health of the insured person. Therefore this option especially for overall healthy and well deserving entrepreneurs is recommended to whose Gewinne multiply and that accordingly pay more and more money for the same insurance benefits because the statutory health insurance companies require 15.5 percent of the profit, no matter how much is this profit. Thus, you pay up to 728,43 euros as a self-employed person for example with a monthly gain in the amount of the contribution assessment ceiling 2011 (4.125,00 euro) a month in the statutory health insurance.

This post consists of the contribution increase to 15.5% (645,18 euro pro) Month) and the maximum possible additional contributions from 2% (83,25 Euro per month). While the statutory funds so automatically participate in the self-employed in the higher profits will at founders, who earn little in the start-up phase or even losses still vigorously reaches to. This is done by adopting a minimum wage of 1.277,50 euros for all self-employed. Many founders but even close reference from Foundation grant below this line and have to pay every month to the Fund still about 220 euro. It especially hurts when during the start-up phase, even losses pile up. Private health insurance here offers similar performance as the legal Fund with low initial rates from 59 euro month and saves as a purse. But those who has a family, for the statutory health insurance even with higher incomes could be the cheaper option. Because with the statutory funds Beitragsfreiheit, for spouses and children while in the car for each family member Fees have to be paid.

In very good conditions of income a family in private health insurance to comparable contributions can be but due to the high contribution to the statutory health insurance insurable – but with all the benefits of private insurance. Basically an insurance exchange in the PKV for self-employed workers with a stable income worth out no matter they founded what personal circumstances out. So far many Hartz settled but the fact deter IV founder, that a return to the statutory health insurance don’t do single change is more necessary: who was unemployed again from the independence, had to continue to pay his high PKV contributions, received only the grant for the statutory health insurance. This problem is no longer since the beginning of the year: the employment agencies are now required, private IV insured Hartz to reimburse contributions to health insurance in the full amount of the base tariff recipients. Who decides which to change, however, should seek an independent comparison to save unnecessary costs and to be able to enjoy the benefits in full. It gives free advice under.