
In case that the power did not exist, also it would not have devir, therefore all the beings would be immovable and perpetual. But the pure act is absolutely perfect, because of the potentiality absence. In the epistemolgico aspect, that is, of the point of view of the knowledge the being in act if overlaps to the being in power, therefore this beyond being determined is not submissa to the being in act, therefore we only know it in virtue of a being in act. Converting these slight knowledge, power and act, in essence and existence, it is understood that the essence alone is understood in virtue of the existence. Second, of the point of view of the causalidade the act is superior again the power, why in the ticket of the power to the act, it requires a being in act.

Therefore, the power does not exist for itself, but in function of the act, therefore in the cycle of the causalidade, all being in power is present in a being in act. In this digresso Aristotle it proves the existence of ' ' Deus' ' , by means of the argument of the immovable engine. Finally, of the point of view of the composition, the act also surpasses the power, therefore it are of the act does not have power, therefore this is not found in pure state in the nature. For the fact of to be something determinable. The act and the power in relation with the substance the relation of the act and the power with the substance is established for Aristotle, leaving of the two constituent elements of the substance, the substance and the form. Abbagnano defines substance as ' ' what it is (…) what necessariamente.&#039 exists; ' (ABBAGNANO, 2007, P. 925) this concept is purely aristotelian. The substance in the aristotelian conception is the power of the substance, while capacity to assume or to receive the form.

Alternative Selfishness

"We have no other choice but to come to a state of complete balance with all of nature. Or in good time, or under the influence of the nature of shocks, which still force us to be interrelated. This mutual relationship should be expressed to our right, a good internal relationship not only to the nearest city, country, continent, or a civilization, and to all mankind. " (Michael Laitman, "Kabbalah and the Meaning of Life") You open a newspaper, turn on the tv, Will you come to the Internet, everywhere the most discussed topic – the global crisis, which, like a giant octopus gripped the global financial system, the economy. Information about the layoffs at banks, large and small firms now are nothing new. Crisis poses new sites: a very popular – 'cut? " or at least popular server to find work 'in the state. " According to polls Agency prp Group 40% of Muscovites fear layoffs Due to financial difficulties of the employer because of the global crisis.

And not in vain fear. People are losing their jobs, tightening their belts tighter and waiting to see what would happen next. Recently, a neighbor's husband got laid off. For assistance, try visiting Anchin Block. Gone, poohala, husband mocked: demure, stand up for themselves can not be such here, and fired. I felt sorry for her, two children after all! And how many people it will affect yet? And not only in Russia. Crisis is universal. On the causes of his dispute arises experts businessmen and politicians.

Joshua Leonard

The film was analyzed by means of methodology where what it was considered was its content and the impression and constant Afro-American ideology not only in its history, as well as in the proper conception of the black director George Tillman Jr the analysis of the film will go to consider its general data, basing the impressions on theoretical references on the subject, mainly how much the culture of the media and the cultural industry, with the participation of a black director. On the basis of Kellner (2001), therefore, the study of the film to inside consider cultural and historical aspects of the black culture of vision that follows studies of media and culture, of the impressions of world and values seen in the film ‘ ‘ Men of honra.’ ‘ 2 THE FILM HONOR MEN? GENERAL ASPECTS the film ‘ ‘ Men of honra’ ‘ ‘ was launched in the United States in the year of 2000 with the heading; ‘ Men of honor’ ‘ , being part of the sort drama, with time of duration of 128 minutes, having initiated the planning of its filmings in 1994 for the Studio Fox Home, under the direction of George Tillman Jr Counted on composed cast of Robert De Niro and Cuba Gooding Jr, in the main papers, as well as still with the participation of Charlize Theron, Aunjanue Ellis, Hal Holbrock, Michael Rapaport, Powers Boothe, David Keith, Holt MacCallany, Joshua Leonard, Dennis Troutman, Joshua Feinman and Theo Nicholas Pagones. The film was written by the scriptwriter Scott Marshall Smith based on a real history. It is established in the history of Carl Brashear and its spirit of fight, although its condition of black. It portraies the history of a man born in 1931 in Sonorous in the Kentucky, that in 1948 to the 17 years goes for the navy and after much persistence if it becomes before if retiring, the first diver to mster Afro-American, exactly cripple.

Successful People

I want to tell you about a very interesting article I once read a long time on the blog by Sergey. Article I found, to put it here, but the basic idea of this is that there is one universal formula, as overcome laziness in themselves and become a successful person. You just need to work and do not give yourself any excuses! Everyone knows that rewarded on merit. That is, having worked at a maximum of 3 months – you can achieve quite good Results and live in clover all year long. All this is good, and fits easily in your mind the notion of "put on the full extent" if the term of the same 3 months, but understand this same phrase in relation to seconds or minutes rather difficult. But a month is just made up of just such minutes and seconds. Misunderstanding this leads to the fact that people start to ignore those seconds and miss them, being engaged at this time any nonsense. You thought someday, how many seconds a day you spend usefully? (If at least 50% – it is already excellent).

In the end, what happens? It turns out that those seconds turn into years of life. Now how this relates somehow to the business? It's very simple. For example, you decided to do something. Let

The Universe Between

THE RACES AND ITS CREATORS: The Universe in the dimension that we obtain to enxergar is composed of billions of galaxies, that in turn are also composed for sun millions, which possesss to its redor planets to turn, forming similar plenetrios systems very to ours. The incredible existing distances between these suns or stars, of so gigantic are measured in year-light, distance covered for the light during one year the 300.000 speed of km/segundo. We arrive the nine trillions and seven hundred billion kms, equal to a year-light. Many of these suns arrive to be bigger thousand of times of what our sun and with certainty in the many planets gravitate that them, exists life human being. These inhabitants can have a more advanced technology millions of years of what practised here in the land and this she allows they to construirem ships to travel between the stars. Let us see an example more clearly, the first vestiges of the man in our planet, arrive the 200,000 years behind, but if to advance in the time and to discover that first the fossil human being dates of 1 million of last years and considering that last dinossauro died the 64 million years behind, we would have then a gap of 63 million years where we do not know what it happened. They could in this time have existed innumerable civilizations that if auto destruiram or had been exterminados, without leaving vestige some. Then civilizations of other solar systems with certainty had visited in them and they must our existence. She observes the great differences between the white man, the yellow and the black well: All we were created genetically by the technological intervention of our visitors who had left here to develop units of its proper worlds, which after to be adaptarem would have to cross and to create an only race, process still in development.