Dorin Klevendzher

Dorian Clevenger was born in Massachusetts, but most of his childhood and adolescence spent in New Jersey. From an early age he began to take an unusual love for drawing, which at the time in school, developed into a serious hobby. After high school, Dorian went to the University of Fine and Industrial Arts of the city of Newark. However, training did not last long: soon Clevenger discovered that the head of greater than his classmates and he was bored engage in, and then dropped out. Having an independent life, Dorian tried many professions, is an auto mechanic, decorate cars, engaged in design. Clevenger even played with several rock bands in the the role of guitarist. According to the artist, that's when he learned to work as a team. But the painting has continued to attract Dorian, and moved to Pittsburgh, he joined the local art university.

At this time took Clevenger to education with respect, and it returned a future artist in return. Praise teachers as well as numerous awards determined the choice of Dorian, he decides to devote himself to painting. Soon creativity Clevenger interested representatives of publishing houses specializing in comics, and he begins to actively work in this industry, mainly by drawing the cover for the cartoon stories. That brought the comics artist international fame. Orders came from different companies: for example, work Clevenger decorated pages of National Geographic magazine and the Wall's most prestigious galleries on both sides of the Atlantic. Continuing to paint, in Dorian recent years, teaches drawing with acrylic paints in Pittsburgh. In his free time engaged in sculpture and Dorian takes amateur movies. His drawing style Clevenger calls "psevdorealizme"