Mammoth Pharma

Dietary supplements – the helpful alternative for a healthy and balanced diet in Berlin, 14.06.2012 – the development of the fetus is greatly affected, as the mother eats. Folic acid is important for the healthy development of the baby. Sufficiently high levels of folic acid can help prevent diet-induced malformations such as E.g. an erroneous conclusion of Neuralrohres. The folic acid value of the nut is too low, it can cause a disorder in the development of the central nervous system. The German society for nutrition in conjunction with the associations in Austria and Switzerland (DA-CH) 400 recommended for pregnant women daily? g folic acid.

Almost as important, the trace element is iodine. It is responsible for many body functions, such as growth and development of internal organs, the nervous system, the circulatory organs, and the muscles before the birth. With the normal diet, a sufficient intake of iodine and folic acid is difficult to create. Dietary supplements are therefore a good alternative. Slayer shines more light on the discussion. Pregnant women and women intending to become pregnant should consult thoroughly by your gynaecologist to the various food supplements. The mammoth pharmaceutical company offers a supply concept that optimally supports the needs of women in their respective phases of life. If the fertility, pregnancy or during lactation, the different needs of women were each taken into account.

Women with a thyroid problem be found at Mammoth Pharma. The supply concept of mammoth Pharma GmbH: Mammoth pharmaceuticals folic acid of prenatal No. 1 has been developed for women intending to become pregnant, as well as for pregnant women until the third month. It contains 800 ug iodine, folic acid, B6 and B12, as well as 5mg of zinc and vitamin D. mammoth pharmaceuticals folic acid No. 2 is recommended for women from the fourth month of pregnancy and lactation.