It is not easy to deal with debts. Easiest thing is to evade them and pretend that nothing happens when we Czechs our balance sheets and see how day by day builds up. It may be that at the beginning is easy to evade them and rid the problem at the moment, but in the long term, the consequences can be much worse. The best thing is the decision to tackle debt and do what is necessary to succeed, by more difficult and impossible that may seem. In this article I will present 5 questions that you must make yourself at the time of face and pay off your debts. They will give you a better view and will help you to reflect on your situation and financial future. 1. What I am taking 100% responsibility for my debts and my financial situation? It is very easy to blame other people for what happens to us, we rid of responsibility and assume the role of victim.
Thus not leads nowhere, because to not assume liability, there is no way to take consciousness and action to improve. If you think that you are in debt because of the economy, by your friends, your mother or your grandmother, okay, maybe they have something to do, but you and you alone are responsible for the financial situation that you live. When you know that you can change the situation and it is in your hands, everything becomes much easier, without having to take on this role of victim that so easy we adopt in difficult situations. 2 What I’m doing every day to reduce my debt? If you are habits that you put into practice daily in your life to reduce your debts, it will be much easier and faster to achieve your goal. Otherwise, you will advance much more slowly because you’re not implementing strategies or any form of daily and ongoing debt reduction. Examples: find a way to save on unnecessary spending, read a magazine of business, etc.
3 daily daily. I have a plan to pay off my debts? There they say that if you don’t have a plan for yourself, surely you will end up forming part of someone else’s plans. A phrase completely certain. If we do not plan and we know clearly what they want to achieve, it is very easy to fall into distractions, focus on things without relevance and not give priority to what really is important (in this case the payment of your debts) 4. How much savings or invest? Income you currently receive, what percentage use it for savings or investment? If for example, you will save 10% of what you earn, I am sure that your debts would be paid in much less time. 5. What I’m going on the right track? Every day get a feedback on your progress. Ask yourself you same how you’re going if you are on the right track. Responds to the end of the day these questions: what was the most valuable of the day? What progress I had? In what I can and I must improve? How I this day feel after what has been achieved? What are my plans for tomorrow? Personal feedback will help you much here are 5 questions that you ayduaran to have much more focus at the time of paying your debt. Remember to visit the blog above How to pay debts to receive more information, tips and strategies to get out of debt as quickly as possible.