How it would be possible to be defined to who reverence to assassins, folds before dictators and praises to a political regime that does not respect practically any human right and that the censorship practices? What qualification could be applied to that thus acts? I am not going to say that it names deserves, but of course denotes an absolute moral and human misery that thus comes. If I praised and praised to whom subjugate a town, to that prohibits the democracy and assassin to opponents, I would be a criminal, would be an undesirable one. If I hired to whom realise ethnic judgments without procedural guarantees, if she compadrease to me with who realises arbitrary and tremendous haltings and horrible tortures, would be so monster as realises that it. But all this has some exceptions and not only for Spain and its cruel politicians and governors, but also for the rest of the called world civilized: The UN, UNESCO, UNICEF, etc One of these exceptions is called Equatorial Guinea, where the political parties are illegal, it is jailed to opponents, where the presidential and legislative elections are a farce, where it assassinates enemy politicians, where the misery and the indignity are evident, where their natural resources are enormous and where his president the miserable Obiang has one of the majors fortunes of the world. The exception is in which it has petroleum and that is reason than more sufficient, apparently, to go made kneel before the dictator and to smile to him and to make him its crimes good. But not only I am who say that president Obiang and his corrupt government are monsters, Human Rigthts Watch, affirm that the majority of the population lives under the threshold of the poverty, due to the extreme corruption of the ecuatoguineano regime. Amnesty International continuously denounces the halting and torture of opponents.