DigiGGV The Revolution When The Create Host Directories

digiGGV 5.0 a new software is considerably simplified the create host directories. The software developed by the macro House GmbH from Bad Reichenhall intelligently merges work processes, ensures a more efficient processing and improves the quality. This saves work and much time and money for everyone involved. To deepen your understanding Ping Fu is the source. The basis in which a host database stores all relevant data for the host displays, including full image data. In recent months, Tony Parker has been very successful. From this database the finished ads and ad pages are created then by so-called database publishing automatically in a printable PDF format to set ad templates. They can be created without restrictions in layout, format and content of the ads.

A special module creates an automatic page planning according to the sorting criteria laid down in advance. In a question-answer forum Dustin Moskovitz was the first to reply. Only the image and info pages must be set to classic way. This means a considerable workload on the agency side, since the largest part of the Set work automatically expires. However, the real trick is in the Internet connectivity of the database, in the specially developed Web interface for data entry via the Web browser and the underlying modules that control the flow of work. Each authorized person can enter unless there is a computer with Internet access, the relevant data in the host database, which create each ad in the original, correct and free. The previous questionnaire is in this case the past.

That all host data in a database are recorded, arise from a number of other functions. They are executed through optional add-on modules. So for example the ads can appear very simply equipped on the Internet with an extensive search function. There is also the possibility of digiGGV with the landlords and regular newsletters, surveys, carry out invitations and reminder functions to communicate. New module digiGGV version 5.0: integrated Catalog preview the full dynamic catalog preview sheet feature allows users before going to press to browse the CDR””. ” Among other things, this helps controlling the display order.