It does not have time to lose. Much less time to contemplate. Already to contemplate is a pleasure which urubu if delivery happens frequently. Or it is possible to imagine that this animal is making another thing when flies calmly in the altitude of the airplanes? It only can be using to advantage the life and the flaring sight, enjoying of one to fly easied, as no aircraft never propitiated to any human being. I would change to an eternity human being per an only day of urubu' well; ' , our admirer of the carniceiras birds confessed. He must not have been clearly because ours loving of urubus he was called evocativo.
We go to explain: it is because it destines itself to establish, in this coletnea of personages, an intermediate category of men. To the skeptic who exist in the unitary one, and to the believing drifter who it inhabits the contemplativo, joins the citizen that believes, descrendo. As another one is not decided on the other hand or, it fears both, varying only the degree of support to the thesis in accordance with the situation. Or, closing the circle, it simply ' ' evoca' ' the aid that it seems more adequate for each moment. ' ' It flies in circles, as urubus' ' , somebody will have to say. But not I nor the evocativo man are certain, nor, of whom urubu does not go to the place some in its circular flights. Perhaps in contrast, if he deals with the way most correct to sail for airs, being looked at the world as it is: a circle.
Who flies straight in direction to some place, never will reach the horizon, as our contemplativo friend. Nor it could be looking at stops backwards, as the recordativo man. Perhaps but urubu, this yes, summarize the balance philosophical that we search: the gift flies, nor fixing it the front, nor behind, but what it has below, concretely to its feet. Perhaps the life is one to occur of circles. But already it was depleted here paper of the evocativo man. in one of the returns, it transfers the subject to the reflective man, to who will fit to divagar more on the orbits of the life.