Resume Writing

Your resume – this is your leaflet, on which depend for an invitation to an interview. The same candidate, but with different resumes may receive many responses, and can only be satisfied with pitiful calls of Companies, where he did not want to take up employment. So use presented below shortcomings to create an individual profile which will help you get a really good job. 1. Photos – use only at the request of the employer. If you already use, then edit its size and color photo insert, where you at the workplace. 2. Placing unnecessary information unrelated to the vacancy – the entire length of service, training and training, hobbies, ability to work in programs for the vacancy have no relationship, get away. 3. The absence of any non-specific language in paragraph “Purpose” – a vague phrase, an indication of multiple vacancies error in the position. 4. Word summary at the beginning – you’ve seen on business cards words “business card”. That’s the summary is also not necessary to write the word “resume”. Begin your resume with your name. 5. There is no clear structure – the summary prepared without isolation basic blocks (work experience, education, etc.) 6. Specifying the personal qualities – no one will write that he is clumsy or conflict. Therefore, the employer is a mere information. 7. Grammatical errors, typos 8. Extended and unnecessarily detailed summary – more than 1 page. Remember – if your resume will not be interested employer for 2 minutes, then it just kicked.