Pact X Impact Environment is the set of forces and conditions that influence in everything in our lives and the Nature. AMBIENT PACT is related to the agreements having aimed at a otimizao of the regional and global ambient management, that is aiming at to minimize the AMBIENT IMPACTS in the activities harmful human beings to the environment. Visa this AMBIENT IMPACT is the shocks caused in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems for determined activities human beings, that is an modification that before did not exist. For even more analysis, hear from Ping Fu. Let us make in the present PACT for the preservation to the Environment, thus we prevent in the future IMPACT with tragic and irreversible consequencias to the beings human livings creature/. To know more about this subject visit Republic Services. Making it analyzes, we perceive that it has indifference and disinterest on the part of the society, the church and the classroom politics with its exceptions for this noble cause that is awareness for the conservation of the Nature in its aspect I practise and cash.
We witness much theory little practises, attention is lived deeply when it occurs ambient tragedies as floodings, estiagem, landslides with I number high of deaths, forest fires large-scale territorial, destruction of farmings, at last irreparable losses. If to analyze all Brazilian territorial extension, we will know its abrangencia Real minutely. With this territorial and fluvial dimension, we must have good sense in preserving the quality our water, to value the manancias springs//rivers/dams, value of our land with the preservation of the vegetation, biomas and urban and agricultural arborization, to create ways to diminish the pollution in the great urban centers, to prevent burnt, to take care of of the garbage recycled it with selective collection and campaign of awareness being enclosed homes and quarters of the cities, at last to value the environment in all aspect and felt this rich patrimony that God created and bequeathed in them. ‘ ‘ To develop yes, to always preserve, to never destroy! ‘ ‘ Good part of the economy of some cities funny around the ecoturismo, region with great fluvial extension to the edges of the dams, lakes and rivers, thus we can focar the present ecoturismo in the Chapada of Guimaraes, Estuary of the Iguau, National Park, Park Estuary of the Iguau, Pantanal and in the Amaznia, without forgetting it Brazilian coastal paradise. The environment with its incomparable diversity is a strong point that we must value in Brazil, has fantastic natural scene contemplated and remembered by the tourists of the entire world. ‘ ‘ Land of the Water, the Green and the Sol’ ‘ an invitation to the beauty and the peace of the Nature for contemplates who it. Porisso is important all society to have full certainty and conscience of the value of the ambient preservation that is of super relevance to all we human beings, after all we are part of this process.