Just because I am an advocate of beef for its rich in protein content, does not mean that it does not recognize the risks associated with the consumption of red meat. In fact, I take as a duty trying to present any kind of proof of research showing the risks associated with this lifestyle. So I carefully mentioned a new study by the National Cancer Institute that shows an alarming change in mortality rates associated with the regular consumption of red meat. It was demonstrated that regular consumption of red meat by itself alone is enough to increase the risk of death from any cause. t on the discussion. Information about meat consumption those who consumed a higher proportion of white meat in fact had less risk of death, particularly cancer.
This study covered more than 500,000 people and was part of the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. If you are not convinced, visit Dustin Moskovitz. A more detailed analysis by the study revealed that the 20% with the highest consumption of red meat were those of greater risk of death from all causes, while the 20% with the least consumption Red meat they had lower risk of overall mortality. ource. A more surprising result may be that the 20% with the highest consumption of white meats had a risk slightly lower death from all causes that the 20% with the least consumption of white meats. In terms of increased cases of cancer among consumers of red meat, it is postulated that cooking meat at high temperatures may be at least partially responsible for the increase in cancer by transmission of carcinogens to those who eat red meat.Another part of the equation may be the high load of saturated fat that tends to accompany red meat. It is known that high levels of saturated fats are associated with higher rates of breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Then, what is the conclusion? What does this study tell us? A question might better be, what’s missing in this study?. For example, we do not know if those who consumed more meat could have been doing instead of eating several daily servings of fruits and vegetables. We know that daily consumption of fruit and vegetables reduces their risk of death by the majority of the causes.
In addition, we do not know if the people studied were eating red meat with FAT or lean cuts. Of course, we cannot know with certainty what one isolated study means at this time, but we do know that we need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables a day and that we must choose to eat only the most meager portions of red meat. More information on the Online Pharmacy.