A faithful machine typewriter, while we break the soul and Pocket to buy a PC and/or failing that, for when we have to write in the light of the candles by a power outage. And Furthermore serve, among other things, the husband of one, SBI deposit on the sacred relic, which aims to planchemos you for tomorrow. Consider it essential that become napkins, indispensable in the portfolio of the Lady or gentleman pocket, if it is that there are still, the Knights and napkins. Especially when newly notebooks, agendas and related that have the damn habit of ending is when one needs it. Knowledge of memory, which in the mythology of the ominous, there is nothing better to lose humor that one a note with humor. There is no nothing better to make a, which is not available neither time nor space or for perguenarla, see you resign because, sometimes, only and exclusively in such conditions arise ideas. Idea, moun amour..: it is sufficient that it wants one an idea, stop it costs as much as attempting to start an old Winco. Bear in mind always the art of resorting to a good manual of self-help to summon the family silence, when one needs to concentrate.
A good and cheap mataburros. Matt. Litres of to stay as tar or brown in the best of cases, like bat, after ingesting it. Cigarettes, by doubts. And a good digestive system because with the stress and the coffee there is no gallbladder, liver, pancreas or stomach to resist. Be one with the mountain of papers on the desk, requesting to locate us to a St. Bernard, those dogs that usually come with barrel included below the neck, to see if convidando us step canazo, they manage to wake us up. ZZZZ we, that alone will dawn, with the Internet, are no longer so alone.