Fear in the air in an average of seven years, young children are very sensitive to the emotional experiences of mothers and fathers. They feel when parents are angry, angry or scared. Kid's useless to deceive, to say nothing happened "if he sees that his mother was worried. Such double messages to confuse and frighten the child. "The mistake is to assume that children do not understand anything – says child psychologist, vocational counselor, conflict Julia Erofeev.
– If the parents start to panic, it is transmitted to the child unconscious body level. Waving away the baby, they leave it in obscurity. The child begins to draw pictures in the imagination, which for him can be much scarier that actually happened. " Is not always a little child will share with parents vague for him, feelings that have arisen due to the state general nervousness of people around, because of the accident heard the phrase during a conversation teacher in a kindergarten. "Even if the child shows no visible signs of anxiety, it does not mean that he is at peace internally. Now parents need to be extra care – said Julia Erofeev. – Care in itself can lead to depressive, neurotic, psychosomatic condition. For example, a child may suddenly start to hurt the stomach, to develop an allergy. Baby will be treated by doctors, and in fact it is an echo of the past act of terrorism ". If parents notice that a child's behavior has changed, that at the entrance to the subway, he falls silent, it increases muscle tone, he became less talkative or, conversely, are too active – they should think about seeking professional psychologist who own special techniques for working with children's fears.