Coccinia indica help for diabetics from India (OTS) of Graz on the 13.11 was sealed the joint cooperation between Dr. Auer and the Indian Diocese of Kanjirappally, to support the project in Kerala, South India, at Schloss St. Martin. This unusual collaboration is not only new hope for diabetics by the Indian plant “Coccinia indica”, but offers above all women in India, educational and career opportunities in the natural remedies and Ayurvedic medicine. Subsequently the Indian population would benefit from the know-how of the Styrian diabetes research. “says MMag.
Dr. Martin said baby, head of the formation House of St. Martin. With beginning of the year 2011, the Association “Education and culture initiative St. Martin” launches another education project, the women in South India in Kerala is good. As with the previous projects in Asuncion / Paraguay since 1988 and the Kilimanjaro Tanzania since 2009, the training center in Kerala is mainly to the training (agriculture and agri-food industry, housekeeping, health, Hygiene, Ayurvedic medicine and social / care professions) the women are frequently disadvantaged by their social status and the Kastensytem in India, try. Dr.
Wolfgang Auer, acts as a partner and supporter known by producing natural remedies and discoverer of base powder: “Perspective, to cultivate the plant growing in India,”Coccinia indica”on the agricultural land of the campus would be a multiple”win-win”- situation.” so Dr. Auer. Through the successful collaboration with Univ.-Doz.. Dr. More information is housed here: Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. Wolfgang Schnedl, who explored the Indian medicinal plant over many years, could be admitted “Coccinia indica” already targeted lower blood sugar, in Europe. Note: Managing Director education factory St. Martin: you. HR MMag. Dr. Martin said baby, 0316 2836 55 AAPO Spa natural remedies: Dr. Wolfgang Auer, 0650 6663666,