Howard Gardner

Crianaencontra in its tricks the possibility of if communicating about with the world that, and as consequence this ' ' mundo' ' that the fence finds the possibility dese to communicate with it using playful activities. The variety deexperincias explored during the acquired act to play, some values, contents, they can be led for other stages of its lives, the psiclogocognitivo and educational Howard Gardner (1994), mentions that: These free and flavorful inventions populate the world preschool dacriana, and continue to exert strong influence to the long daescolarizao, which the end estimates that the child can learn sobreeventos and processes that are distant of the concept. (p.65). The child quebrinca if socializes with other children and this is one of the requirements importantespara that if it can live in society. To play with the other it is necessary compartilharobjetos, to decide conflicts are necessary attitudes as the respect, acooperao, solidarity, among others. It learns to play m suasrelaes with the other and the culture that the fence, then assumes that to play no soon something, but something that is learned.

It learns to play in its relaescomo the others and with the culture that the fence. The atividadeldica is a space ample so that objective educational they are reached deformed faster, therefore they pass to be contextualizados with the reality dacriana, being plus a resource for those involved ones being plus one recursopara that involved in the process teach-learning. However this resource nodeve to lose to be playful character, of trick. The act to debrincar provides the child to imagine, to create, to observe, to try, to cooperate, to think, to memorize, to question, among others excellent factors parasua formation. The RCNEI (1998) brings the information of that as much make-of-counts, osjogos with rules, traditional, didactic, the corporal ones, among others favorecema expansion of the infantile knowledge by means of playful activities.